When you commit yourself to ten months of service, something with a definitive end, it is easy to get wrapped up in the world of countdowns. I can tell you that there’s only one weekend left of interpretive programming left at Bear Brook, Pawtuckaway, Umbagog, and Franconia Notch State Parks, but that’s not what we’re measuring at the close of a successful season. I’m going to take a liberty in speaking for the rest of my Interpretive Ranger friends in saying that this experience is best measured in the connections, the smiles, and “moments so dear” if you will. Okay, okay. We’ve also done some number crunching…Throughout this 2014 summer Anthony (Umbagog Lake), Luis (White Lake), Monica and Becki (Franconia Notch), Sam (Greenfield), Claire (Bear Brook), and I (Pawtuckaway) have seen 8,919 ready-to-explore faces, and have connected with well over 11,000 others!

The feedback we’ve gotten from the lovers of New Hampshire State Parks has been overwhelmingly positive, and believe you me, the experience has been just as awesome for us.
We’ve explored…

We’ve played…

We’ve collected souvenirs…

Although I enjoy reviewing the great memories, I want to take this opportunity to look to the future as well. The 2015 camping season is just around the corner (if you don’t think about it too hard) and with that will come a new set of amazing Interpretive Rangers, ready to share their love for the natural world with you and your families. If you didn’t get to see the 2014 crew, don’t fret, the SCA will be back next year in some of your favorite State Parks. On behalf of the 2014 crew, thank you!

By Lauren Bos, Interpretive Ranger at Pawtuckaway State Park