When you commit yourself to ten months of service, something with a definitive end, it is easy to get wrapped up in the world of countdowns. I can tell you that there’s only one weekend left of interpretive programming left at Bear Brook, Pawtuckaway, Umbagog, and Franconia Notch State Parks, but that’s not what we’re […]
Tag: Interpretive Programming
Into the Night & Out of Sight
Today marks a triumph! Exactly 3 months ago, I arrived at White Lake State Park eager to explore the environment and meet visitors. Since then, I have familiarized myself with the trails around the lake, and shared my programming with the public. This past week I led a very large and excited group around the […]
Faces of Monadnock
Written By: Rachael Esh, Monadnock State Park Interpretive Ranger You may have heard about the wildlife and history of Monadnock State Park, but have you taken the time to meet the people who hike there? With over 100,000 people climbing its trails every year, there is never a shortage of characters hiking this popular mountain. […]
Art of Adventure
By Deb Brzozwski, SCA Interpretive Ranger at Franconia Notch State Park “A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints.” — Wilfred Peterson Over the past six […]
Musings on Mud
Rain rain go away. Nicole and Debbie want to play. Well…it’s been a bit overcast as I’ve begun as one of the Interpretive Rangers at Franconia Notch State Park. Allow me to sum up my thoughts on the weather. The cons of rain include: dampness, wearing layers, reduced attendance at programs and less sun. Happy […]