Less frequently visited than many other state parks (although gaining popularity amongst mountain bikers), Ahern State Park is conveniently located just outside downtown Laconia, off Route 106 North. It remains nicely secluded from the hustle and bustle of the Lakes Region on the shores of Lake Winnisquam.
Mountain biking, jogging and walking are some of the typical ways people enjoy the nature path in Ahern, which is a few miles long. Just feet from the depths of the lake, this trail catches a breeze coming off the lake, providing relief to exercisers after a hard cardio workout.
For those who wish to experience the benefits of the lake first hand, bring down the family canoe or kayak. Parking is available right next to the beach so the water can be accessed within seconds of arrival!
For the first time in a long time, I tried my hand at a fall water sport in New Hampshire and it turned out to be a satisfying adventure. The small cove at Ahern is a nice place to paddle around and enjoy mountain views. This part of the lake requires little paddling since the shores of Ahern jut out on both sides, affording calm waters. Around the cove’s lip the water turned out to be a little more challenging as white caps swayed the kayak. The lake broadens here and provides a spectacular outlook of the White Mountain range. Although the waters are chilly on Winnisquam this time of year, it’s totally possible to kayak all the way out to the sand bar by Mosquito bridge from Ahern! For now, it’s still a great time to get out on the water before it all freezes over – you may just like the adrenaline rush!
Hi Andrew..I wonder whether we can be in touch by e mail as I am headed up to Ahern next week and want to paddle if possible and might not be able to haul my kayak from Philadelphia..would you be able to help me find two kayaks to use/rent for the afternoon of WEdnesday OCt 9?