By Kyle Durant, SCA Interpretive Ranger The White Dot and White Cross trails that leave Monadnock State Park Headquarters are classics, but there is so much history and nature to explore on Mount Monadnock off the beaten path. After a season of Interpretation at the park, I have compiled a list of sites to visit […]
Tag: monadnock region

First Rhododendron State Park Bloom Report July 7, 2023
By Ted Lenk Hey Folks- After a pretty wet June, it seems that the warm temps of this week are moving things right along in the grove. Typical for July in southwest New Hampshire. As you can see from the photos (from Wednesday 7/5), there is a lot of new green growth at the grove. […]

Migration at Miller State Park
Kayla Drake- SCA NH Corps – Discover the Power of Parks Interpretive Ranger Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory Atop the summit of Pack Monadnock, a crowd is growing. All reservations for the day have been taken, and people are arriving in flocks. Some regulars are there, scanning the sky with their eyes, binoculars, or scopes. All […]

The Monadnock Region
Some have deemed Monadnock as New Hampshire’s “cultural corner.” Others, like myself, have a hard time spelling the name. But, once you get past the iffy phonics, the region is quite lovely. This southwestern corner of the state had me exploring miles of forest, castle ruins, and one of the best campgrounds I’ve seen yet.