By Eilís Donohue, Interpretive Ranger at Franconia Notch State Park Hey there! One of your 2019 Franconia Notch State Park Interpretive Rangers here. Since I often get asked who I work for, what I do, and what all the patches on my uniform mean, I figured I ought to put all that information in one […]
Tag: interpretive programs

At the Heart of the Notch: Lafayette Place
By: Eilís Donohue, Interpretive Ranger at Franconia Notch State Park A few weeks ago, I drove up I-93 to Franconia Notch State Park (FNSP), and pulled into my new home and workplace: the Lafayette Place Campground. I am one of two Interpretive Rangers stationed here at FNSP for the 2019 season. For the rest of […]

From Tourist to Tour Guide
By Sarah Sherwood, SCA Franconia Notch State Park Interpretive Ranger and NH Corps Member June 12, 2019 was arguably the most exciting day of service for the Interpretive Rangers of the SCA New Hampshire Corps. On this sunny Wednesday we departed Bear Brook State Park, our home of five months, and went our separate ways […]

First impressions: White Lake State Park
When we move into a new space, we’re inclined to make our impression on it. We like to decorate— tack photos to the walls, arrange tchotchkes on the bookshelves. Once we’re comfortable, once it’s home, the new place then makes an impression on us. My first day at White Lake State Park was a scramble to […]
Happy Campers
Each weekend I wonder who I’m going to meet around the Bear Brook campground, how many people are going to come to my programs, and then I cross my fingers for beautiful weather. One of the many things I love about this job is interacting with so many friendly people, and gaining a slight glimpse […]
Tucked Away in Pawtuckaway
While to the modern eye Pawtuckaway may be primarily a mecca of outdoor recreation, the land has seen many users, many eras, and many natural phenomena that have shaped it into such. The park has a long history, from prehuman to Native influence, and if you take the time you can see for yourself some […]
Explorations in the Rain
I love to wake up on a beautiful, clear day in Franconia Notch State Park, see the mountains, and have the pleasure of feeling warm and dry throughout the day. However, I cannot help to feel some delight when the clouds come out and it starts to rain. During the past couple of weeks, it […]
White Lake Memories
Written by Rachael Esh, White Lake State Park Interpretive Ranger To some, White Lake State Park may seem like any other lake. To others, White Lake holds family tradition and irreplaceable memories. Working at White Lake this summer has led me to meet a variety of people and hear their stories of why they come […]
Fun on the Franconia Ridge!
As the Interpretive Ranger at FNSP I also staff the Hiker Information Cabin at Lafayette Place Campground. I talk to hikers about lots of things. You can imagine…hiker stuff like routes, estimated times, safety, weather, water, maps and, of course, the location of the restroom. A really popular hike leaving right from Lafayette Place is […]
What goes screeEEECH in the night?
By Emily Barry, Interpretive Ranger at Pawtuckaway State Park As our twilight bike ride came to an end, my friend Andrew and I cruised back to Big Island at Pawtuckaway State Park. The campground was quiet, the weekend campers had come and gone. There was a ruckus over my camp- swift aerial motion and bone-chilling […]