Summer is now gone and the air is getting chilly, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to pack up, and say good bye to Pawtuckaway until next spring. It may be too cold for a dip in the lake, but Fall is a great time of year to rediscover the park in a whole new […]
Tag: boulder field

Adventures in Boulderland!
Exploring Pawtuckaway’s Boulder Field with Kids: The boulder field at Pawtuckaway State Park is a world-class landmark that receives little attention outside the climbing community. It’s known to climbers nationwide and the world over for its tremendous bouldering opportunities but it also happens to be a gigantic playground for anyone who loves to marvel at […]
Tucked Away in Pawtuckaway
While to the modern eye Pawtuckaway may be primarily a mecca of outdoor recreation, the land has seen many users, many eras, and many natural phenomena that have shaped it into such. The park has a long history, from prehuman to Native influence, and if you take the time you can see for yourself some […]

Slice of New Hampshire Wilderness
Pawtuckaway State Park in Nottingham, NH is an awesome sample of New Hampshire’s great outdoors. With an area of around 5,000 acres, the park contains a great variety of the things that make New Hampshire’s wilderness unique- from impressive geological formations to beautiful beaver ponds. There are actually a couple different ways to get into […]
Pawtuckaway Camping, Kayaking, and Hiking
Pawtuckaway State Park in Nottingham NH was a wonderful spot for our first family camping trip of the season. As we are a family of seven, with four teenagers, my oldest son decided to set up a campsite on his own, close enough for visits, but far enough for independence. He hadn’t counted on multiple […]