Rhododendron Bloom Report: July 5, 2019

Hey folks-
It was not raining this week so I took a few extra pictures to make up for last week.

As of July 3rd, there are some buds that are bursting and some will open much later – this is normal
Lush new growth – no flowers this year
This flower bud will open later than most

So far the weather seems pretty dry this month. The prediction of rain is a definite maybe. How will it affect the timing? Who knows?

The closed buds can be pink but they often open to white

It is getting closer to full bloom at the grove, but the middle of the month or the week after should be a good show in spite of the weather.

Besides the expanding flower bud, this shows pollen from the pines

It will not be as great as it has been in the past, but it is still a good show this year.

New beginnings

Remember to come prepared for the bugs!

Ted Lenk

Ted Lenk is an NH State Park Volunteer who checks in regularly at Rhododendron State Park.

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