By: Tom Fischer, Interpretive Ranger at Monadnock State Park
The bloom at Rhododendron State Park is just beginning to wane, but there are still a good number of flowers showing off. Many of the flowers that were once present in the sunniest spots have moved on while those that were just budding from the shadier spots are in full bloom.
All the rain we’ve gotten in the last few days may have pushed a few petals off since I last checked the grove but considering many of the blooms were in shadier areas they should be decently protected by the Rhododendron’s thick leafy growth.
A few buds are still showing slow growth, even though they are geographically right next to other buds that have already shown their flowers. In the next picture you can see three flowers all at different stages of bloom.
Pollinators are still hard at work on these same buds, helping ensure good growth in the years to come.
Buds along the bridge and in other sunny areas on the loop are almost completely gone.
Whereas the well shaded buds still show plenty of life.
For now…