06.28.13 “[Monadnock is] the noblest-appearing peak south of the White Mountains, whose graceful cone seems a reduced fac-simile of Japan’s sacred mountain, Fujiyama.” – Professor William Copeman Kitchin, 1920. Kitchin’s quote, above, may seem like it was one of the first comparisons of Monadnock and Fuji, having been printed nearly 100 years ago. But […]
Tag: summer hiking
Monadnock Weekly Report 06.21.13
06.21.13 “When Earth forgets that man was born, Monadnoc still shall hail the morn, His aged crags not yet outworn.” – J.E. Nesmith, Monadnoc, 1888. For the most part, it appears as if Monadnock’s recent “Rainy Season” may be past, although the upcoming forecast is not exactly 100% clear of precipitation. Monadnock’s paths […]
Monadnock Weekly Report 06.14.13
06.14.13 “I’ve seen him when the rising sun shone like a watch-fire on the height; I’ve seen him when the day was done, Bathed in the evening’s crimson light; I’ve seen him in the midnight hour, When all the world beneath were sleeping. Like some lone sentry in his tower, His patient watch in silence […]