Orderly Disorder

Fish and Game so generously offered to let our Park’s Reach the Beach team use their Owl Brook Hunter Education Center  so we could figure out our plan of attack for Reach the Beach. Tucked away in the middle of the Holderness wilderness, this facility could have put in their directions… “Just when you think you’ve gone too far – keep going!” Fish and Game must have their own team in the Reach the Beach because when we arrived the doors were locked and it was clear that they weren’t going to open. Being the resourceful and adaptable bunch that we are and being that we were in the middle of nowhere on a hot, buggy, muggy evening we took over their archery course and decorated their picnic tables with bug spray.

At that point we were 30 minutes late, outside with impending rain, and we were the picnic for a batch of newly hatched mosquitoes to talk about how to prepare our team for Reach the Beach.

See what was really going through our minds…



Who in their right mind would sign up for a 200 mile race? That’s what the Reach the Beach Race relay organizers asked the New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation when they generously offered the Division a relay team. Twelve crazy runners jumped at the opportunity. We may not be in the right mind, but we are always in the adventure mind! Our team name is the NH State Park Bloggers which means that we have blogging to do. We will keep you up-to-date with pictures and video using our new GoPro camera on our training progress throughout the summer and into the fall. We all agreed that we should use this opportunity to create awareness for a serious problem facing outdoor enthusiasts throughout the country; New Hampshire especially and that is Lyme Disease. We will do as much as we can throughout the summer to promote awareness, safety, prevention, and to work with Lyme Disease foundations to learn what more can do to make our woods safer.

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