No big changes are evident on the Rhododendron front at the grove in Fitzwilliam. They are a native species (Rhododendron maximus) that will not start to bloom for another 2-3 weeks or so. For anybody who follows this blog, this is not anything new. The “peak” bloom normally happens around July 15 or so. So far, it does not look any different this year, but we will wait and see, eh?
Category: Rhododendron Bloom Reports
Weekly updates on the status of blooms at Rhododendron State Park.
Rhododendron Bloom Report: June 3, 2021
A few commonly seen wildflowers are visible in the grove this week, but the Rhododendron maximus blossoms are not due for another 3 or 4 weeks. The leaf buds are beginning to grow out, but the flower buds are still pretty tightly wrapped up.
Rhododendron Bloom Report: May 26, 2021
As dry and cool as it has been lately in the Monadnock region, it does not appear (yet, anyway) that the bloom at Rhododendron State Park will be affected. If, however, we don’t get some rain here soon, that may or may not change.
Rhododendron Bloom Report: July 24, 2020
Hi folks-The picture says it all, eh? The Rhododendron maximus flowers are all gone for this season. As it was, they started a bit early this year-a week or so sooner than was expected. Perhaps that will become the norm (the bloom was early last year too). Or not. The future is often hard to […]
Rhododendron Bloom Report: July 17, 2020
Hi folks-As you can see from some of the pictures I took on Thursday, July 16, most, but not all of the blooms at the grove are spent. There are a few fresh enough that they should still be around by this weekend, especially if the weather stays cool enough. Nevertheless, it is July with […]
Rhododendron Bloom Report: July 10, 2020
Hi folks-Well, it seems as though this coming weekend-Saturday July 11 and Sunday July 12-may be the weekend when most blooms can be seen all at once. As one can see from the pictures below (all taken on Thursday, July 9) there is, as usual in the grove, a variation in the progression of the […]
Rhododendron Bloom Report: July 1, 2020
Hi folks-It seems that the hot dry weather we had towards the end of June has hastened the bloom timing. Although the middle of July will still have plenty of open flowers to see, there is currently a pretty good show going on. Of course, it is all relative-the amount of flowers to be seen […]
Rhododendron Bloom Report: June 25, 2020
Hi folks-As you can see from some of the accompanying photos taken 6/25, there are a few early blooms this year. Maybe the hot dry weather has spurred them on. Or not. Who knows? In any case, the main show will still happen mid July. Maybe day or 2 earlier. As beautiful and wondrous as […]
Rhododendron Bloom Report: June 18, 2020
Hi Folks,Thursday June 18th, 2020 It is hot out there, eh? And dry, too. On the lowest sections of the Rhododendron trail the temperature is perhaps 3-4 degrees cooler than the parking lot. As you can see in the picture below, the youngest leaves are drooping a bit. But during the summer here in SW […]
Rhododendron Bloom Report: July 24, 2019
Hey folks- This week will be the last of this year’s main show, but there are quite a few out to see, and a few more still to come in the next two weeks or so. I say worth the trip. And as I usually do, I will once again repeat myself – it is […]