First here is a video for those who either have never seen or are simply missing Lake Umbagog: I have spoken of many of the reasons why people come back to Umbagog year after year (some going on 20 years). Though the lake is incredible some people need more, some people need to hike. There […]
Tag: Interpretive Ranger
Musings on Mud
Rain rain go away. Nicole and Debbie want to play. Well…it’s been a bit overcast as I’ve begun as one of the Interpretive Rangers at Franconia Notch State Park. Allow me to sum up my thoughts on the weather. The cons of rain include: dampness, wearing layers, reduced attendance at programs and less sun. Happy […]
And the Crescendo!
By Stamati Anagnostou, SCA Interpretive Ranger at Monadnock State Park The time approaches and is not quite here when the forests that sail down and away from Monadnock will rise in effervescent praise of winter, just before its heat death silences them. For now we wait in earnest anticipation, watching every leaf as they shift […]