Here are some upcoming New Hampshire events you will find some NH State Park Bloggers running in:
- Northeast Delta Dental’s Over the River and Through the Woods Run for Animals Concord on June 2
- Windham Rail Trail 5k on June 12
- Rockin Ribfest 5-Miler in Merrimack on June 17
- Firefly 5k in Waterville Valley on July 7
We’re always signing up for races at the last minute and we love to discover new races that we absolutely can’t miss out on. Let us know if you are going to a race that we should check out.
Here’s a partial list of races that will be happening this summer and fall in New Hampshire’s State Parks:
- June 3: Ironman 70.3 Mooseman Trathlon through Wellington State Park
- June 16: Mount Washington Road Race
- July 21: Bear Brook Marathon & Ultra
- Aug 8: Top Notch Triathlon in Franconia Notch State Park
- Sept 8: The North Country Endurance Challenge, a multi-sport mountain race
- Sept 8: YMCA Triathlon at Clough State Park
- Sept 14-15: Reach the Beach Relay (Franconia Notch State Park to Hampton Beach State Park)
- Sept 16: Pisgah Mountain Trail Races in Pisgah State Park
- Sept 22: Pitch Pine Challenge Triathlon at White Lake State Park
- Sept 23: Wallis Sands Triathlon
- Sept 30: Smuttynose Rockfest Full & Half Marathon at Hampton Beach
- Oct 20: Vulcan’s Fury Trail Race at Pawtuckaway State Park
- Oct 29: Children’s Miracle Network 5k in Pawtuckaway State Park