Backyard Treasure Hunt

Krystal Daniele SCA New Hampshire Corps- Discover the Power of Parks Interpretive Ranger

Have you ever wanted to go on a treasure hunt? Who Hasn’t! Luckily, you can go on one in your own neighborhood! This treasure hunt is called “Geocaching”. Geocaching is a very popular scavenger hunt that has been around since 2000. It has gained rapid popularity since its start. In September of 2000, there were only 75 known geocaches world wide, today there are more than 3 million ( It was started in Oregon by a man named Dave Ulmer, who was a computer consultant and GPS enthusiast. His first Geocaches had to be found by coordinates. Geocaching is now simpler and more accessible today thanks to cellphones and computers.

Do you want to start Geocaching? The easiest way to start is by downloading the Geocache app. This can be found on your devices app downloading service. When you are ready to start searching, the app will automatically navigate you to the closest geocache in your area. You can also search the map for other caches that you are interested in. It doesn’t have to stop in your back yard! Geocaches are found on every continent and in 191 different countries.

My first Geocache: When I was introduced to Geocaching, I was immediately hooked! Some of my friends had explained what it was and how I could find more on my own. The thought of this hide and seek style game was exciting! The first Geocache I ever saw was at Bear Brook State Park in southern New Hampshire. It was perfectly hidden under a boulder. It was a small plastic container that could easily have been over looked. When you open a geocache, commonly there will be a notebook that is used to document when people found the cache, what they took, and what they left. The cache was full of small trinkets. There were stickers, coins, jewelry, buttons, and more.

Geocache found at White Lake State Park

Here are some helpful hints for first time cachers! Geocaches can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Often they are found as a water tight plastic container. They can range from being as small as a pill bottle or as large as a bucket. The Geocache app will tell you the size of the cache. Another thing to keep in mind is that geocaches are not just found on the ground. They are found high and low. Some might be in a tree and others under it. Always remember to bring your own trinkets! When you take something from a geocache, it is good practice that you replace it. These items do not have to be large or expensive. I commonly bring stickers. A final tip to remember: Bring your own pen! It’s fun to make your mark on the caches that you find!

Well, I think you’re ready! Grab your pen, some water, and a friend! Good luck!

Discover Power of Parks SCA Interpreters

Discover the Power of Parks is presented by New Hampshire State Parks in collaboration with the Student Conservation Association and AmeriCorps and made possible by generous financial support from Eversource. The program offers a look into the natural world through hands-on programming. Interpretive programs focus on connecting participants with nature and building appreciation for New Hampshire's unmatched natural heritage. Programs include guided hikes, interpretive tours, and imaginative environmental workshops for children and families. Programs are offered free to guests with paid park admission fee. No pre-registration is required.

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