07.12.13 “Nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, […]
Author: Patrick Hummel, Mount Washington State Park
Monadnock Weekly Report 07.05.13
07.05.13 “White light goin’ messin’ up my brain White light is gonna drive me insane White heat, it tickle me down to my toes White light, I said now goodness knows.” – The Velvet Underground, White Light/White Heat, 1968 The brilliance of Lou Reed/John Cale and the Velvet Underground have provided a worthy soundtrack to hot summer […]
Monadnock Weekly Report 06.28.13
06.28.13 “[Monadnock is] the noblest-appearing peak south of the White Mountains, whose graceful cone seems a reduced fac-simile of Japan’s sacred mountain, Fujiyama.” – Professor William Copeman Kitchin, 1920. Kitchin’s quote, above, may seem like it was one of the first comparisons of Monadnock and Fuji, having been printed nearly 100 years ago. But […]
Monadnock Weekly Report 06.21.13
06.21.13 “When Earth forgets that man was born, Monadnoc still shall hail the morn, His aged crags not yet outworn.” – J.E. Nesmith, Monadnoc, 1888. For the most part, it appears as if Monadnock’s recent “Rainy Season” may be past, although the upcoming forecast is not exactly 100% clear of precipitation. Monadnock’s paths […]
Monadnock Weekly Report 06.14.13
06.14.13 “I’ve seen him when the rising sun shone like a watch-fire on the height; I’ve seen him when the day was done, Bathed in the evening’s crimson light; I’ve seen him in the midnight hour, When all the world beneath were sleeping. Like some lone sentry in his tower, His patient watch in silence […]
Monadnock Weekly Report 06.07.13
06.07.13 “We were left alone with the night hawks…their dry and unmusical, yet supermundane and spirit-like voices and sounds gave fit expression to this rocky mountain solitude…it was a thrumming of the mountain’s rocky chords; strains from the music of Chaos, such as were heard when the earth was rent and these rocks heaved up.” […]
Monadnock Weekly Report 05.31.13
05.31.13 “We have climbed it in all kinds of weather; in snowstorms and summer heat, in zero weather, in thunderstorms, in fog, and in brilliant sunshine.” – Mildred Groot, On Climbing Monadnock, 1959 As you can find a day within the past seven where any of those conditions were present, Mildred may just as well have […]
Monadnock Weekly Report 05.17.13
05.17.13 “I walk wherever the weather provides because everybody needs some time outside. Give me no lip and I tell you no lie.”- Clutch, Pure Rock Fury *Please note that the Monadnock Weekly Report will not be published next Friday, 05.24.13. Please call Monadnock State Park directly with questions: 603-532-8862 After a bit […]
Monadnock Weekly Report 05.10.13
05.10.13 “The birds are singing in your eyes today. Sweet flowers blossom in your smile. The wind and sun are in the words you say. Where might your lonesome lover be?”- Woody Guthrie It has been a busy week in the trees around the lower elevations of Monadnock. In a very short period […]
Monadnock Weekly Report 05.03.13
05.03.13 “Men hang out their signs indicative of their respective trades; shoemakers hang out a gigantic shoe; jewelers a monster watch, and the dentist hangs out a gold tooth; but in the mountains of New Hampshire, God Almighty has hung out a sign to show that there, He makes men.” – (attributed to) Daniel Webster […]